Friday, November 30, 2007

The Park

These Pictures were taken right as the sun was going down and are hard to see. Plus I had to use my phone camera instead of my fabulous Nikon! But this park was too awesome to not take pictures.

I don't get much one on one time with Stevie these days. Mostly because a baby is a full time job and partly because Dad is deployed. Anyway, we heard about this new park opening up near the zoo and had to check it out. We left Lilly home with Nana and Papa and we headed out. This park was so cool. It has everything. Swings, slides, climbing wall, those spinning chairs like the ones in Santa Fe, hand operated tractor scoops, this big boat like thing that sways back and forth, this hippo that shows the different organs of a body that Stevie is crawling in below, an entire music section where you can play these drum like columns, or a wooden piano like instrument, all kinds of ladders, steps, climbing apparatuses...the list is endless. We had an absolute blast running together though this place. We played chase and tried out all the different toys and all & all had a great time.
This is Stevie in the spinning chair. The first time he did he continued to ask me to spin him faster and faster and faster. He was a blur. But, the second time he didn't want to go so fast. It makes my head spin just thinking about it. I sat in it too and Stevie spun me around by grabbing my leg and running round and round.

I would never trade Lilly for the world but days like this is when I miss our times together. He is an amazingly fun kid to hang out with. He would find something new to try and go running off toward it...get half way there and turn back to me and yell, "Com'on Mom, lets try this one!" There were several other kids his age at the park too, and usually he will make a new friend and they will play...but this night it was all about the two of us. He wanted me to do everything he was doing and visa versa. We had a wonderful time and I can't wait to go again!


Anonymous said...

That park sounds just great I cannot wait to get to play there too!!!! I also am so glad that you were afforded the time to spend with the little man I think you both needed it together. I love you both so much!

Minerva10616 said...

So fun.. you totally make me look forward to special time with an older son. Stevie is so fun and I'm sure the pictures don't do him justice- he's so cute! I'll have to take into account park locations for our next house.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you guys had a good time. These are the days you will look back on. It made me remember when I use to take my kids to the park sooooooooo long ago. FUN FUN Nana K

~Huge said...

Hey sis, I want to go to that park too! Can't wait to see you in like 20 days now.