Friday, April 11, 2008

Play Dough!

These two love play dough. This is Stevie's new table he got for Christmas from his Nana and Papa...and the kids love doing projects on it. Go Nana! Go was a perfect gift! Anyway, Stevie is into creating different stuff and then acting something a snake that goes down a slide (that's what he is doing here) and Lilly is into eating it. So, the conversation sounded like this..."Stevie, what an awesome snake...Lilly take the play dough out of your mouth...Stevie that snake loves to slide...Lilly spit it out...Stevie what other animals are you going to make?...Lilly don't put the play dough in your mouth again...Stevie that is an wonderful bird...Lilly if you put it in your mouth again, you won't be able to play any more...Stevie, you just squished your bird and snake together...Lilly that's it you are done...Stevie I have to take your sister and wipe the play dough off and out of her mouth."

Anyway, you can see we had a good time. And really Lilly did get to play for like 20 minutes before I just gave up.
She is so intent on what she is doing. So serious and dang cute!

This kid has an incredible imagination and he loves to use it. I can't wait to read the stories he will create!


Anonymous said...

Great story, and accurate from what I remember playing with her there!

the real ~Roxann~ said...

That was hilarious!!!!! You are so funny! Boy, Stevie is looking so "big boy" and Lilly, well, Lilly is just fabulous!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your kids, your flowers, your family... they're all gorgeous. I'm jealous, but am so very happy for you - and love every minute of watching your family grow. Wish I could see you guys more. Don't forget to come see me in Austin when you're taking your road trip home :)
Love you guys.

Minerva10616 said...

I can actually hear this conversation happening probably twenty years ago between you and your bro. It's so fun to see what is ahead for our home. We're beginning to talk - TALK - about baby two which I openly hope is a girl but will be trilled to have a boy. You inspire me that two is doable. if that's a word.