Saturday, March 22, 2008

Chrsitmas Party

These pictures are from the Holt Christmas party. It is about the only time we all get together and it is a wonderful time to catch up with every one's lives.

I kind of uploaded these pictures backwards so these first pictures are from the end of the party.

This is David and he loves babies. He couldn't barly keep his hands off Lilly. It took her a while but she eventually warmed up to him. He asked me if he could take her to his prom. He said that she is the cutest girl ever including the ones he goes to high school with. He is such a sweet heart and was so kind with her.

Angie was awesome and baked a bunch of ginger bread men and brought all the goodies to decorate them. Stevie went to town put his little man together.

Stevie just opened his presents and got a pair of spider man pjs and a "spidy" car. The gifts couldn't have been more perfect. He wares the pjs every night he can to this day and I'm lucky if I can get them away from him long enough to wash them.

He is thanking Grandma with a big kiss. If this is any indication of what I have to look forward to when he is older....the girls better look out. He is one hell of a kisser!

Stevie is helping Lilly to open her presents. She was so tired at this point, she needed the help. And unfortunately, this is where the camera's batteries died so I didn't get the picture of Lilly kissing Grandma. She got a pair of pjs too, a baby glow worm, and a toy little radio. She loved it all. Both kids changed into their pjs that night but I didn't get a picture of how cute they were! Bummer!!!

Angie is distracting the kids until Santa came with the story, Polar Express. Stevie loves that story! Aunt Janet snagged Lilly. I guess when I was out of sight she was just fine in her arms. It was when I came back with the camera that the water works started!

Stevie had no problems sitting on Santa's lap this year. He told him exactly what he wanted, "a diesel truck with a trailer and a crain and the box." He still has the box because it makes a perfect garage. He repeated himself like 4 times just so Santa wouldn't get confused. And Santa brought him just what he asked for!

Lilly didn't enjoy the lap as much. I think every family has one of these pictures.

This is Stevie and Lanie singing jingle bells for us. It was pretty cute!

The party was a lot of fun. Good food, family, presents, and Santa...what more could anyone want?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it was a great time, I think the red nose picture for "Jingle Bells" is great!

Minerva10616 said...

What a fun family you have. Wasn't that brother of yours there? Any pics of him and the family? We'll have to keep in mind the power of a santa visit- i'm excited for next christmas when Shep 'gets it' easter was funny because he wanted to put the eggs in his mouth but had no idea why he was being carted around outside. i guess six months is too soon for kids to understand holiday traditions. We'll have to keep a look out for a glittery rudolph nose! Another great idea.