Friday, November 30, 2007

The Park

These Pictures were taken right as the sun was going down and are hard to see. Plus I had to use my phone camera instead of my fabulous Nikon! But this park was too awesome to not take pictures.

I don't get much one on one time with Stevie these days. Mostly because a baby is a full time job and partly because Dad is deployed. Anyway, we heard about this new park opening up near the zoo and had to check it out. We left Lilly home with Nana and Papa and we headed out. This park was so cool. It has everything. Swings, slides, climbing wall, those spinning chairs like the ones in Santa Fe, hand operated tractor scoops, this big boat like thing that sways back and forth, this hippo that shows the different organs of a body that Stevie is crawling in below, an entire music section where you can play these drum like columns, or a wooden piano like instrument, all kinds of ladders, steps, climbing apparatuses...the list is endless. We had an absolute blast running together though this place. We played chase and tried out all the different toys and all & all had a great time.
This is Stevie in the spinning chair. The first time he did he continued to ask me to spin him faster and faster and faster. He was a blur. But, the second time he didn't want to go so fast. It makes my head spin just thinking about it. I sat in it too and Stevie spun me around by grabbing my leg and running round and round.

I would never trade Lilly for the world but days like this is when I miss our times together. He is an amazingly fun kid to hang out with. He would find something new to try and go running off toward it...get half way there and turn back to me and yell, "Com'on Mom, lets try this one!" There were several other kids his age at the park too, and usually he will make a new friend and they will play...but this night it was all about the two of us. He wanted me to do everything he was doing and visa versa. We had a wonderful time and I can't wait to go again!


Every year I run into the problem of what to do with the pumpkins after they have served their purpose at Halloween. This year the kids were so sick and we were getting ready for our trip to Santa Fe that we didn't even carve ours. So they had been sitting on the kitchen floor for 3 weeks and we finally made the decision to do something with them besides throw them in the compost. I am one of those weird ones that don't like pumpkin pie so we decided to bake these, make the pumpkin mush that you need to bake with and turn them into cookies. They were awesome! Of course anything is good with chocolate chips in it! So this is Papa and Stevie cutting into the first of the 3 we cooked and mushed.

Stevie told me after Papa made the first major cut into the pumpkin that Papa was cutting up Lilly's pumpkin. Stevie wasn't ready to say good bye to his yet! And besides it made a great stool!

Of course I couldn't resist throwing this picture in. She is so cute!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our Trip to Santa Fe!

Ok this stupid blog is having issues tonight so these first 4 pics are a little out of order. But they are still dang cute and part of our time at the childern's museum!

Moma and Lilly!

Steive and I built a cool magnetic bridge together with these nuts and bolts. I wish I had got a pic of out finished product!
The tug boats!

November 1st we bussed, flew, and drove to Santa Fe, to visit our Nana Karen, Papa Charlie, and Auntie Samantha! It was a lot of fun. Getting there was another story...a bus + a plane + a car ride + 2 pieces of luggage + 2 kids + 2 car seats + 1 diaper bag + 1 stroller and only 2 hands = a long stressful, insane day! But we made it in one piece and really enjoyed our stay. We arrived Thursday afternoon and relaxed, talked, and in general let the kids be with their grandparents. I think the best part of Thursday for Stevie happened as soon as Charlie and Samantha got home from work that day. They scooped Stevie up and took him to the bike shop. Samantha kept his eyes covered and surprised him with a new beautiful bike. To say he was thrilled would be such an understatement! They knew how to make a little boys day! He came home with a red bike and a red helmet to match. Unfortunately, I'm a bad mom and forgot the camera. I promise to get a picture of this gorgeous bike and the cutest rider you have ever seen asap!!! Needless to say, Charlie and Stevie went on a bike ride that afternoon! That night we went to my favorite place...Diego's. It is a great Mexican restaurant and I always get the get the chili relleno. YUMMMMM!

Lilly was really intimidated by all new people and wouldn't let me put her down for even a second. In other words she even sat on my lap while I went potty. (no exaturation either) It took her the rest of Thursday and all of Friday to relax but Saturday morning she and Charlie had a bonding moment. She batted her eyelashes at him and he smiled at her. From that point on they were buddies!

Friday we relaxed and got reacquainted. Saturday we enjoyed the children's museum. Stevie had a ball. Of course his favorite spot was the water and playing with the tug boats. He pretended to be an animal rescuer! Lilly had a good time crawling around and looking at everything!

This was so cool. It was a table of little metal nails hanging through a table. But the nails were dull with no points. When you ran your hand across the bottom of the table the top of the table would look like water. I'm not sure if I described that well enough but Lilly really had fun running her hand through these nails. I think Nana Karen like it too!

This is a window of a mud hut they have outside the museum. Stevie climbed the ladder to the top and played with some other kids.

She loves her Papa Charlie!
Ride'm Cowboy!

After the children's museum we ate lunch at a BBQ place. It was yummy. In the afternoon we took Stevie's new bike to the park and Papa Charlie, Samantha, and Chris all rode together. Nana Karen, Lilly and I swung on the swings, and walked around. Stevie really got the hang of that bike and was flying around the tracks! I guess at one point he even fell off but jumped right back on and finished the ride! You GO Stevie!!!

This was one of the coolest parks I have been to in a while. They had these spinning seats you sit on and your weight makes them go on their own. You start out going slow and then speed up until you are about to puke! It was really cool. The park at a train, and swings, and slides, and climbing wall. Needless to say we all had a good time.

Sunday Nana Karen had the family over for a BBQ. It was great to see Uncle Larry, Uncle Louie, Joseph and his sister, Nana Great Bertha, and Papa Great Leo. It was a lot of fun! Of course we all forgot to get the camera out! Bad Me!!! That evening we went to George's house for dinner and hot tub. He just got this awesome hot tub that is equipped with the best jets I have ever sat in front of and to Stevie and Lilly's delight...a water fall. The water isn't chlorinated either so I had a great time. If you are reading this ....Thanks George!

Monday was busy day! We tried to cram in all the stuff we wanted to do and hadn't got to yet. In the morning we went to the chocolate store, Senior Murphy's, where the heavenly pinon roll is made. Think I could live on that stuff. Stevie got to see how the chocolate is made and we all enjoyed some. Then we took the kids swimming. Karen's camera goes underwater and we had a blast playing with that. I think Stevie really takes after his Auntie Samantha because they are both fish! I will post pics of this event asap. Thanks for sending them to me Nana Karen and Auntie Sam!

After naps, we went for tea. Samantha took us to this little place and we were entertained by the pastry cooks while we drank tea and nibbled on cookies. It was a lot of fun. So quaint and cute!
Even the boys had a spot of tea and a scone!

Much to our dismay we had to leave Tuesday morning. We had an absolute wonderful time and can't wait to go back. Oh I almost forgot to add...Stevie had to figure out how to distinguish between my mother and Karen. He thought on it a while and decided that my mom is Nana and Steve's mom is Nana Karen. It was so cute to watch him work through the difference. I know I'm the Mom...but he is truly an incredibly smart kid.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Halloween week was nuts. It actually started on Saturday night. I took Stevie and Lilly "trunk or treating" at Stevie's school. I got the cutest picture of them and then deleted by accident. I was pissed... needless to say! Anyway, we had a great time. We didn't need to worry about any of the candy or people that we were around because they were all Stevie's classmates. We made the loop once and then headed inside for hot coco and goodies. It was a lot of fun. All of the kids Stevie's age stripped off their costumes and were just running back and forth in the gym. No toys, just running... and they loved it. We decided to go to dinner afterward with 2 other families and had a good time getting to know some new people. It really made Stevie and I miss Steve. It was such a family outing that it was only fitting Steve be there. And, I'm not writing this to make Steve feel bad or guilty, just that there are times when we miss Dad more than other and this was one of them!
On a happier note, Stevie was dressed as a knight in shining armor and our friend Gabe was dressed as spider man. Gabe's mom was dressed as a kitty and at dinner, Stevie and Gabe crawled to another booth and pretended to be kitties. It was the funniest and cutest thing.
On Wednesday, Halloween, Nana and I went to Stevie's school to watch the leaf parade. Stevie had made a leaf mask and they were singing songs and marching up and down the hall. So cute. I took video of this but no pictures.
That night we decided to go to "Boo at the Zoo" instead of trick or treating. I thought we might get in both but the kids were sick. I don't think Stevie even wanted to go to Boo at the Zoo very badly but we suffered through it. He didn't even want the candy they handed out. Poor kid...that tells you how sick he was! And if that didn't, take a look at these sad pictures.
Lilly is an Angle if you couldn't tell!

It was one of the coolest trips to the zoo because all the animals were out. The sun was going down and we saw all of the cats. Tigers, Lions, Bob cats and even a snow leopard. Nana and I had a good time seeing the animals. The very next day at 4:30 in the morning we headed out to Nana Karen's and Papa Charlie's house. We had a fabulous time with them and I will post the pictures from that trip later!

Feeding the Birds!

This is one of Stevie's favorite activities. He loves to chase the birds back into the water. We have actually received a couple of dirty looks from people who think that it is cruel to chase the birds so we try and go to an uncrowded area. Oh for crying out doesn't hurt the birds...just gives them a little excitement. We had a ton of old bread with us from the house. One sack had old bagels Nana had made. She makes the best bagels ever!!! But we didn't get this batch eaten. A rarity...believe me! Anyway, the bagels were so hard that the birds couldn't break them apart. I couldn't even break them into pieces. The poor birds had to let them soak first and then enjoy them. Nana and I were dieing laughing, watching the birds try and peck those hard bagels.

A lot of people go feed the birds in the summer but not many go once it gets cold. So, we had a ton of birds come right up to us. Stevie even fed a few from right out of his hands. It was a nice afternoon!


I am admittedly the worst blogger ever!! I know. I am so sorry especially to my poor husband who doesn't get to see his kids. I should be better at this and I'm going to try hard and do better! I promise! So these pictures were taken back at the end of September! I know! I know! The leaves had just started to fall off...due to the snow the week before. So we dressed all up in warm clothes and went outside to discover it was 65 degrees. Stevie was a little hot and eventually stripped off some (not all) of his winter clothes and enjoyed the afternoon! He was still at the point where the snow outfit was still NEW and EXCITING! Now that it is cold has lost some of its novelty!

We raked up a pile of leaves and had a blast just playing in them. Stevie even helped me to rake them!

I love this last picture because Stevie is explaining to Lilly what she is playing with. He really is a sweet brother. She was interested until Stevie stopped paying attention to her and then she wanted out. I thought she would really go for being in the middle of such a cool sounding and textured kind of place but she started to cry. Oh well maybe next year!