Sunday, November 11, 2007


I am admittedly the worst blogger ever!! I know. I am so sorry especially to my poor husband who doesn't get to see his kids. I should be better at this and I'm going to try hard and do better! I promise! So these pictures were taken back at the end of September! I know! I know! The leaves had just started to fall off...due to the snow the week before. So we dressed all up in warm clothes and went outside to discover it was 65 degrees. Stevie was a little hot and eventually stripped off some (not all) of his winter clothes and enjoyed the afternoon! He was still at the point where the snow outfit was still NEW and EXCITING! Now that it is cold has lost some of its novelty!

We raked up a pile of leaves and had a blast just playing in them. Stevie even helped me to rake them!

I love this last picture because Stevie is explaining to Lilly what she is playing with. He really is a sweet brother. She was interested until Stevie stopped paying attention to her and then she wanted out. I thought she would really go for being in the middle of such a cool sounding and textured kind of place but she started to cry. Oh well maybe next year!


the real ~Roxann~ said...

So fun!!! Didn't you miss Fall when in Savannah? We sure did! Enjoying the colors this year, though!

Anonymous said...

I think those are great and the stevie in mid-air picture is just awesome, a picture really is worth a thousand words. You can just feel the excitement!!