Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pirate Nana

This is the pirate kit Stevie got at Brendan's party. Remember the picture of Stevie bawling all dressed up? Anyway, Nana and Lilly were playing with it...

At first Lilly didn't recognize Nana and she was a little hesitant about who the crazy lady singing pirate songs was...but then she warmed up and they had a great time playing.

Lilly has started singing with anyone who will sing to her. Like when I'm trying to sing her to sleep, she starts cooing right along with me. So She and Nana were singing pirate songs together. So funny! and of course cute!!!

She loves her Nana!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is good there isn't anyone crying in this photo. It does look like it was a fun time to wathc Lilly's reaction.