Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Little Miss

This is our little miss Lilly. She is quite the eater. She loves to taste and try all kinds of different stuff. Stevie had trouble digesting stuff when he was this little. But not Lilly. She has the hang of putting stuff in her mouth, chewing and spitting it back out. So cute. I know this is a naked pic of her, but I had to show of the hams...you know her little chubby thighs. So cute.

This picture you can see what she had for dinner. Some corn, a tomato, zucchini, bread, water, a bean, and I think this is the one where she was chewing on a rib bone too. Oh and don't forget the spaghetti noodles. That seems to be her favorite right now. She loves that she can pick up the noodles and they kind of stick to her hand. So even when she waves her arms around there are still noodles stuck to it when she wants to taste some more. And she gets food everywhere. Including the roll of skin under her chin. We find all kinds of stuff there.

The chair after we pulled her out of it looks like this on a regular basis.

Stevie is just the opposite, he likes to stay clean and it is like pulling teeth to get him to eat a full meal. I don't think we will have that kind of trouble with Lilly. She feels so important when she gets to eat like the rest of us and will throw a fit if you are eating and don't share. She is just a little intense....I wonder where she gets it!


Anonymous said...

She is so dang cute!! I cant believe how messy she was, she is quite a differant person than Stevie>

the real ~Roxann~ said...

So cute!! And I love the "thunder thighs!!" So is really so cute!!
(and I think she looks like you, Mandy....)