Thursday, September 27, 2007

Growing up!

She is getting so big. She is pulling up and standing on her own. She is still pretty wobbly but getting more and more steady every day! The best part is that she gets so excited about standing up. She takes a big breath and says "whooowhooa!" It is so cute and she will grin and laugh!

She likes it the best when Stevie plays with her!

She is my best snuggler. She likes to play a game where she will put her head on my shoulder and snuggle into the corner of my neck and then she will pop up-right, suck in a large breath so it makes a high pitched noise and laugh. She thinks it is a great game!


Anonymous said...

Wow, she has grown up so much, I can't believe she starting talk too!! She is so cute and I love the pictures of her!

Anonymous said...

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the real ~Roxann~ said...

She's beautiful!!! Such a cutie!

What's up with the french monologue?