Thursday, September 27, 2007

Oh Stevie

This was too funny. After church last weekend, we had two of our friends Jo and Sandy come to the house for coffee. They are avid bird watchers just like Nana and they were talking about a new bird they had spotted. Stevie listens to their conversation for a minute and then walks into the kitchen, grabs the bird book, runs back to the living room, sits down, opens the book and starts telling us all about birds. I can't believe this kids memory because he was actually turning to the correct page and telling us about the bird on it. He told us about owls, starlings, grackles, black birds, ducks, hawks and more. It was incredible and funny. He was so serious about what he was saying. We were all amazed...and rightly so sense he is so talented! :)

The animation and the tone he was using was just like how Nana talks to him about the birds. This summer, Stevie and Nana would get up before the rest of us, have breakfast together, and talk about birds. I know that Stevie really misses the time with her now that she and he are in school. But he remembered a lot of what she taught him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is awesome how much he retains.. and I also think it is awesome just to know about birds like that. The kid is such a genious!!