Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Canoe Trip!

Stevie, Lilly, Nana, Sandy and I went canoeing up to big springs in Hermione Park. We had a great time. The weather was perfect and kids were happy...what more can you ask for?

Ad and Stevie taking a swim to cool off. Although, I don't think Stevie really got wet.

The water is from a natural spring and it is exceptionally cold. I think Stevie got his toes wet and then wanted Ad to carry him. It is a perfect place to take kids because it is very shallow and clear. In fact we get high centered a lot on sand bars.

Can you see Lilly peaking out from under the blanket? I'm in the canoe alone because Ad got hot and went for a swim. It is a lot easier to steer with 2 people! At one point I was nursing Lilly and we got stuck on a sand bar. I couldn't get off and nurse at the same time. I had to wait till Ad could rescue us! Kind of funny...at least to me it was!

Stevie just enjoying the ride!

Lilly had a good time too. Really... don't think I'm a bad mom for not having her in a life-vest, the water only comes up to your knees.

Lilly playing with a blade of grass and fascinated by it!

Ad took his fishing pole along and caught 3 fish. It was fun and interesting to fish in the canoe. A little tippy! I tried my hand a it for a minute, but Ad is a lefty (left handed) and I couldn't get the line reeled in.

Lilly is posing for the camera. I should get props for this float...at one point, I paddled, nursed, took pictures, and kept the boat upright all at the same time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks like an awesome trip. i wish I could have been there, and not only for the cold water either.