Tuesday, July 17, 2007

South Fork Fishing Trip

Stevie is helping Papa and Ad get ready for their fishing trip. He didn't get to go with Ad, and was pretty upset about it, but Papa took Stevie, Kaleo, Nana and I on Sunday after Ad flew back to London. I didn't get any pictures of the trip with my camera, but Kaleo has a few and when I get my hands on them, I will post them. On our trip, I caught 3 fish. A small rainbow, a big rainbow and a cut throat. Stevie netted each one of them and was thrilled to help. He kept telling me to catch him another fish. He got the little rainbow up on the seat of the boat and examined it head to tail for probably an hour. He looked at the gills, fins, teeth, and had a ball. He was really fun to be with this trip and we are going to try and take him again. Last year he got a little bored and tired of sitting in one place for so long...this year he did great. He looked at birds and we floated right under a huge bald eagle. We saw a "family" of pelicans. Stevie calls them families. So cute!!! He started to see the fly on the water and was telling me that the fish were going to eat my fly. It won't be long until he has a pole in his hands. It was a good day.

PS, i'm sorry if little naked boys bother you, it is hard to keep clothes on this kid!

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