Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July. We had a good day! Ad, Nana, and Papa all went fishing and caught a bunch of beautiful fish. Stevie, Lilly and I went to the parade. Stevie's favorite part of the parade was playing in the fountain right beside the road where the parade was going on. It was such a hot day that besides having a blast, it cooled him off too. Lilly and I should have splashed around too.

We did watch quite a bit of the parade. I was impressed with how realistic a lot of the floats were. There was this one with people dressed as monsters that worried Stevie. They looked so real.

It is sad to say this is my first picture of Lilly on this blog. But here is she. She watched most of the parade from my arms but when my back broke, she played in the stroller for a while. Isn't she a doll?!?! She is almost sitting up these days...but in this picture, she is propped up with a blanket.

One of the people walking in the parade gave Stevie and Lilly a flag. Stevie thought it his duty to "wave the floats by." He is so cute. The best had to be when the horses walked by. Everyone was talking about how cute and beautiful the horses were and Stevie says loudly, "Oh cool, look mom, a sweeper truck...I have one of those at Nana and Papa's house!"

After the parade we came home for naps. And just as I was putting the kids to bed, we got to visit with Daddy (Steve) through yahoo IM. It was great. We even got to see his smiling face for a minute. Stevie just misses his dad so was good for him to see him. Lilly got really excited when Steve's face appeared on the screen. She started "talking" to her dad too! It works out pretty good, Stevie comes right up to the computer screen and loudly talks to his dad hoping to hear his voice talk back. I write to Steve what Stevie says and then read what Steve says to Stevie. It is cute. Stevie gets louder and louder hoping Steve will talk back. The two of them are so close it breaks my heart to watch them be separated!

Ad, Nana and Papa got home about five and we had dinner in the back yard. This Stevie at dinner. He loves these new sun glasses and insisted on eating dinner with them on. If you know Stevie at all, this is what a typical dinner with him looks like. It is near impossible to get this kid to eat. Although when bribed with cake and ice-cream, he did finish his dinner.

This is Lilly and I right after a delicious dinner of Salmon, fresh peas from the garden, carrots, potatoes and all over yummy!

Adam getting a little lovein' from Lilly. She loves Nana's carrots from the garden!

After dinner, I made some of Paula Dean's Brownies to take with us to Nana Great's house this weekend and the boys enjoyed licking the beaters!

Here is the most beautiful girl in the world just chillin'!

About 9pm we lit fireworks. Stevie with Uncle Ad's help, did sparklers, snakes and some small fountains.

But he hates the loud ones. This picture is when a loud scary firework went off and both Lilly and Stevie are crying. It was so funny because he wouldn't have been scarred if both Nana and I hadn't screamed. I was laughing and Lilly and Stevie were crying. I felt bad, but it was funny. Poor Stevie was so scarred. But he was brave enough to watch the rest of them.

It was a good day. Would have only been better if Steve could have enjoyed it with us!


the real ~Roxann~ said...

So happy to see LILY!!! She's so sweet!

Looks like you had a good 4th and glad you got to talk to Steve!

Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Great photos, Mandy. I love hearing about friends' everyday lives. I'm so glad to hear you got to speak to Steve on 4th of July.

Lily is beautiful - and it's hard to believe that's the same Stevie we saw pictures of two years ago. What a character!

Have a great week!