We painted and ate strawberries today.
Lilly attacked the strawberry like it was going out of style. She had this determined look on her face and no one was going to take that strawberry from her. It was the cutest thing. I can't wait to see how the video of this comes out.
This is what she looked like after the strawberry had been pulverized. She even had strawberry behind her ears and in her eye lashes.
And while Lilly was demolishing her fruit, Stevie was painting. When we started out, I thought he was painting his paper...but as it turned out, I should have been paying more attention to the painter than the strawberry girl. I think there was a little paint on the paper but we would have to look closely to see it!
Stevie thought it would be funny to attack his mother with his painted hands and so I took this picture, dropped the camera...ok get real...this is an expensive camera...so I carefully set it on the desk, and ran for it... he only got a little paint on my shorts!
Little sTiNkEr!!!!
That had to have been a jaw dropping expierence, I wouldn't have got the picture. Lilly would have distracted anyone, she is so cute.
i do believe she looks just like her mommy, right down to the berry juice all over. :) so beautiful...
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